Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Introducing My New EduBlog

A couple of days ago, my 8th grade year started. My new history teacher is a really interesting guy. From the outside, he looks like a normal "techy" person, but once you see him teach a class, it really is very different. Anyways, because he has so much knowledge about all things technology, this obviously reflects on his class.   Today, each kid on the team got their own EduBlog. Normally, each blog would cost a lot of money, but the owner of the company loved the work Mr. Bogush's class was doing, so he gave Mr. Bogush a lifetime supply of free EduBlogs. Therefore, each year, he gives each kid in his classes a free EduBlog. So, every time he assigns homework, he won't give us a piece of paper. Instead, he'll tell us to write it on our blogs. If you are a frequent follower of my blog, I suggest you check out my other blog by clicking here.

A Day to Never Forget

The video "102 minutes" is a great documentary about the tragedy that happened on 9/11. I believe that it is a great resource for teachers to9/11 WTC Photo use in front of classes. It is a mixture of many videos taken while the Twin Towers were being burned down, edited in such a great way that every minute of the event is covered with news broadcasts, police radio recordings, etc. This video explains not what talk show hosts think the reason was behind the attack, but what common people were thinking while many of their loved ones were being murdered. This is also a great documentary to show due to the fact that many of us kids were too young to remember, and learning about this calamity answers many questions that linger on the back of  our minds. It is completely appropriate, and is a wonderful way to teach 9/11 WTC Photostudents about one of the worst days in America's, and the world's, history. YouTube makes watching the entire 1 hour and 40 minutes possible for free, so teachers, parents, and students can play it as many times as necessary.

My 8th grade History teacher showed this to my class yesterday, the 11th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11. This is the reason I decided to write about how great of a video this is.