Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How About Some Dr. Seuss?


For Language Arts Class we are learning about a famous pastime and creative means of writing: poetry. Though some people think of poetry as sentimental and boring, it isn't always like that. You can really write a poem about anything you want, whether it be sports, or flowers, or yourself! Believe it or not, rap is also a form of poetry... not very sentimental anymore, huh? There are many types of poems, such as rap, including haiku, cinquain, clerihew, All About Me (or I AM), and BioPoems. As a part of this unit, we have had to write some poems ourselves (obviously). Some poems I think were particularly good on my part were an I AM Poem (about me), a poem about a nauseating meal for 3 of my teachers, and a clerihew poem. Though these 3 rhyme, not all poems have to rhyme. Try making your own poems! I have underlined the part that I added, so whatever is underlined you can delete and add your own information.

I AM Poem

I am wise and nice.
I wonder why cats chase mice.
I hear voices speaking.
I see the pipes leaking.
I want a cheesecake slice.
I am wise and nice.

I pretend that I’m sleeping,
Though I feel like leaping.
I touch my laptop’s keys.
I worry that I’ll fall to my knees.
I cry when things aren’t precise.
I am wise and nice.

I understand school.
I say to always keep your mind cool.
I dream of reaching the height of fame.
I try to stay ahead of the game.
I hope to remember my parents’ advice.
I am wise and nice.

For the next poem, I have created the actual poem (there is no outline like the I AM Poem) so just tear out the entire thing, and add your own gross and repulsive foods to the list. Then, make a poem that rhymes just like mine.

Our Authentic Menu of Nauseating Meals
Drinks-vanilla eyeball smoothie, brain fluid, ear wax slime
Soups-snot tomato soup, lizard lover stew, bean stew with fried ligaments
Salads-alligator scales with chopped tongue, kidney mix, diaphragm bowl
Appetizers-heart bruschetta, toenail tongue kabob, koi brain
Main Dishes-bicep entrée, live lice, worm crop jawbreaker
Desserts-eyeball float, fried intestines, frozen tooth chew
We have a great variety of meals to please your sordid side.

Guest Recommendations

(these are the real poems)

Mr. Baker’s Dream Meal

First, I’ll serve you
A lizard lover stew
Trust me, after eating it
You’ll puke in the loo.

For appetizers
You’ll enjoy
a kidney mix
and some fried brain of koi.

Later on
for the main meal
you’ll get a diaphragm bowl
it’s a great deal!

Mrs. Cossette’s Favorite Meal

Would you like to drink
A vanilla eyeball smoothie?
Or would you like brain fluid?
It tastes rather groovy.

Have the alligator scales,
Or some live lice
Even though it might
Not be the right choice

After it all
To top it off
Try the fried intestines
Up in our loft

Mrs. Thomas’ Daily Lunch

She loves the wax slime
And even the snot soup
But the fried ligament stew
She thinks is goop

The heart bruschetta
Is a regular snack
But the bicep entree
She forgets to pack

Her eyeball float
Doesn’t make it through the day
As much as she tries
To keep the temptation at bay

For the clerihew, you will have a totally different poem. The first line has to be a name, the second has to be something that rhymes with the name, and the third and fourth can be anything random, but they have to rhyme.


Mr. Baker
Loves the Lakers
When they won,
He partied with his son

Another example that I didn't create...

Loves to draw
But his paintings
Have caused many faintings

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